The Bible for Grown Ups
Featuring Pastor Andy Stanley
Many people know some Bible stories, but few of us know the story of how the Bible came to be in the format that we now have it. Pastor Andy Stanley will lead us in looking at how the Bible was developed, and what that teaches us about the Bible itself, how to study it, and how to hear what God has to say to us as we do study it. The story of the Bible may be almost as important as the story in the Bible.
-Discussion Guide: There is a link to a discussion guide for each week’s study right above the video screen. Use this guide to prepare for the study in advance, and / or use it to guide your weekly group discussions. Each question will give you a chance to think through some important truths and many times to see what the Bible says about itself. You can print the discussion guides right off the website or contact the Church office to get access to pre-printed discussion guides.
-Video Teaching: In your group, watch the video of Pastor Andy Stanley together, as he teaches us some important truths about how the Bible was developed into the format that we have it now. You can also watch the video on your own before the meeting if you would like to have time to think it through more carefully. But don’t avoid watching it together with your group, as it will inform your discussion during your meeting. You can watch it on your TV by going to the website and opening the video or screen mirroring the video from the website through your cell phone.
-SOAP Journal Exercise: Included with each Discussion Guide is a SOAP Journal Exercise. After that week’s meeting and discussion, use the SOAP Journal Exercise provided to prepare yourself for the following week’s discussion. Use this Bible study tool each week to study the passage of scripture listed which goes along with the next week’s discussion. This tool will not only help you to consider some important truths that are tied into our study, but it will also help you develop an important skill of discerning what God may be saying to you through His Word. Take the time to write out the scripture verse (it is best to do it by hand rather than cut and paste on a computer, as you will be more involved with the verse doing it by hand). Then spend a few minutes writing what you see the verse saying, which is the Observation section. Explore the words and sentences, even looking at the context around the verse and the book itself. Let the verse be the source of your thoughts, and let the Holy Spirit inform you about His Word. In the Application section you can write down how that verse and its meaning impacts your life. What should you do differently because of what that verse says? Then finish the exercise by writing a prayer to God as a response to what you have heard and seen. Be ready to share your SOAP Journal exercise during your next group meeting to encourage others and to reinforce what you are learning.